最近看到 Instagram 上很多人分享 Flipagram 這個App做的小短片 每張照片只佔用0.33秒,也不會給人冗長的感覺 :) 相當能夠精簡地總結我的這個月份的重點回顧 超級適合我這種想分享卻愛偷懶的人 XD (怎麼有種很像寫公司每個月Effort Tracking的感覺) - Philadelphia Science Carnival - Rittenhouse Row Spring Festival - EN Japanese Brasserie - Yankee Stadium (vs Ray) - Phillies game vs Blue Jays - Ginza Japanese Restaurant - Artisan Exchange - Clover Market - Uniqlo grand opening @ KOP mall - Dim Sum Garden - Cheesesteak @GSK is the best! - 種植茼蒿以及菜園二三事 - Shoes from Kate Spade & J Crew - Flapjacks snap from Cheshire Cat Bakery - Strawberry Festival @ Brandywine Valley - Cat, cat, and cat!