
Honey and the Bee - Owl City

Honey and the Bee

Don't remind me
That some days I'm the windshield
And other days I'm just a lucky bug
These cold iron rails
Leave old mossy trails
Through the countryside
The crow and the bean field
All my best friends, but boy I need a hug
(Boy I need a hug)

'Cause my heart stops without you
There's something about you
That makes me feel alive

If the green left the grass on the other side
I would make like a tree and leave
But if I reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide
Who knew the other side could be so green

Don't remind me
I'm a chickadee in love with the sky
But that's clearly not a lot to crow about
'Cause when the stars silhouette me
I'm scared they'll forget me and flicker out
I taste honey but I haven't seen the hive
Yeah, I didn't look, I didn't even try

But still my heart stops without you
'Cause There's something about you
That makes me feel alive

If the green left the grass on the other side
I would make like a tree and leave
But if I reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide
Who knew the other side could be so green

We are honey and the bee

Backyard of butterflies surrounded me
I fell in love with you like bees to honey
Let's up and leave the weeping to the willow tree
And pour our tears in the sea

I swear!
There's a lot of vegetables out there
That crop up for air
Yeah, I never thought
We were two peas in a pod
To be suddenly bloomed
I knew
I'd always love you

Oh, I'll always love you too

If the green left the grass on the other side
I would make like a tree and leave
But if I reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide
Who knew the other side could be so green

If the green left the grass on the other side
I would make like a tree and leave
But if I reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide
Who knew the other side could be so green

If I reached for your hand for the rest of my life
Who knew the other side could be so green 

Owl City  是我近期以來非常喜歡的一個樂團
然後愛上Adam Young的音樂
雖然有可能有些人會覺得 這就是很普通的電子音樂
音樂裡充滿的奇幻色彩 加上既華麗又貼近生活的歌詞
在開車回家的路上 就會有股突然遠離這世俗的迷幻感


Maybe I'm Dreaming (2008); Ocean Eyes (2009)
加上最近發行的All Things Bright and Beautiful (2011)
除了在這篇新專輯的Honey and the Bee之外
Super Honeymoon  (Maybe I'm Dreaming)
The Saltwater Room (Maybe I'm Dreaming)
Dear Vienna (Maybe I'm Dreaming)
Hello Seattle (Ocean Eyes)
Umbrella Beach (Ocean Eyes)
這張專輯的Deer in the Headlights (All Things Bright and Beautiful) 也很棒!

能暫時逃離一個晚上 倘佯在Owl City的音樂裡囉





這個標題的準確唸法就是ㄘㄨㄥˋ  ㄎㄤ 翻成國語近似於被"擺了一道"的意思 用國語講被擺了一道,有可能就是雙手一攤無奈狀 但用台語形容時,通常都會加上 "X的,我被欉康了!" 沒錯,本小姐今天被欉康了! 而且還是被不會講欉康這兩個字的老外欉康了! 公司裡另一個團隊的美國大叔 話說我前幾次見到他,就令我聯想到我碩士班的AB直屬學長 體型是典型的美國胖胖叔,總是會從他的辦公室聽到一些華而不實的形容詞 以及喜歡跟別人交際卻不知是不是真心的態度 (不過話說美國人在這種表裡不一的方面,一直都是做得很好) 前陣子由於新的專案下來以及時間的緊迫性  我被派去支援那美國大叔團隊的 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) 由於之前我和我剛去生產的老闆,也協力完成過類似的胰島素的實驗方法開發 所以理論上應該是相當駕輕就熟 沒想到這次由美國大叔設計的實驗,不但做過的人每個都"稱讚" 實驗的變動性和敏感性也是異常的"好" 我就在昔日大學輸送老師最喜歡的 Try and error 當中 連續度過了兩個沒有什麼生產力的星期  這樣子的疲勞轟炸,加上精神的摧殘 我實在是找不到究竟是什麼原因,我無法將對照實驗組做好 讓我覺得完全失去信心,彷彿又回到昔日蛋白質無法純化出來的惡夢 (但這又更糟,因為我有領薪水的壓力...)

來美國十年之結婚綠卡申請 (2019-2020更新)

2019年的八月是我來美國的十週年 也算是我人生一個很重要的里程碑 想說藉由我這個沒人看的網誌來記錄以及分享整個結婚綠卡申請流程 我大概六七月就收到我爸媽幫我在台灣翻譯的出生證明,戶口名簿,以及無犯罪證明 請翻譯社翻譯完之後再拿去法院證明 前前後後到寄到美國也大概花了將近一個月 算是一開始最大的關卡


5/20/2014 一個月茼蒿 還記得上次更新的時候是 茼蒿菜種植約九天 原本我看網路上面大家的經驗 通常都要花到兩個月 才能夠看起來像"菜"一點 加上我其實有點在春季季末才種下去 看著它們子葉脫落,然後一片一片長出來 都在心裡默默祈禱著拜託不要開花不要開花.... 然後竟然不到一個月 我的茼蒿菜就長得這~麼高了! 雖然說在種菜前輩(我爸)的眼裡 這些茼蒿其實有點種得太密 導致一開始長得比較密的左半邊 土壤的養分要分給太多小茼蒿後勁無力 就長得比較小片了...